Smart News Science

New Research

Pigeons' Brains Work Kind of Like Ours

A small study showed impressive categorizing abilities in three pigeons

The results of agriculture changed our mouths, but not completely for the better.

New Research

Before Agriculture, Human Jaws Were a Perfect Fit for Human Teeth

The emergence of agricultural practices initiated major changes to the jaw structure of ancient humans, leading to dental problems we still experience

Trending Today

Starving Sea Lions Are Piling Up on California Beaches

It's the third year of a crisis that's confusing scientists

New Research

How Space Travel Can Damage Our Immune Systems

Research finds that living in low-gravity conditions can take a toll that goes far beyond an aversion to dehydrated foods

Dyed droplets are propelled off leaves by simulated rainfall

New Research

Life-Giving Rain Also Spreads Deadly Plant Disease

High-speed cameras show how leaf flexibility influences raindrop dispersal into the air — along with pathogens picked up from infected plants

New Research

Creating Drought-Tolerant Plants By Hacking Their Natural Responses

Which new technique will help plants survive with less water?

Trending Today

Private Space Investments Will Reach $10 Billion This Year

Make way for money—investors are bullish on space

New Research

North America’s Trees Create Some of the World's Hottest Forest Fires

What makes certain forest fires especially destructive?

Illustration of the Elysia chlorotica by Mary Peart from "Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts" by Augustus A. Gould, W. G. Binney

New Research

A Green Sea Slug Steals Power From Algae

The discovery makes this a true plant-animal hybrid

New Research

1 in 3 Would Rather Die Early Than Take a Daily Pill

New research shows a third of people would trade years of their life to avoid taking daily meds

Trending Today

Why One Nonprofit Wants You to Sell Them Your Poop

A qualified candidate could make thousands of dollars a year selling their waste to an organization preparing fecal transplants for the ill

New Research

Cockroaches Have Personalities, Too

Feel guilty the next time you crush a cockroach

New Research

The Great Barrier Reef Is Doing So Badly, Scientist Are Testing Genetic Modification to Help It Survive

As the health of the Great Barrier Reef declines, scientists are hoping “assisted evolution” might keep its coral alive

New Research

Scientists Identify a “DNA Clock” That May Help Predict Mortality

New studies on changes to DNA that occur over a lifetime offer insight into an individual’s likelihood of early death

New Research

These Birds Take Turns So No One Gets Too Tired Flying in Formation

“Reciprocal altruism” in a migrating flock of birds means that the more exhausting lead position is deliberately and equally shared

Being able to control "clock neurons" could help with combatting jet lag and fatigue.

New Research

Scientists Discover “Reset” Button for Circadian Rhythm

Could a simple reboot turn exhaustion into a thing of the past?

New Research

These Dolphins Mourn Their Dead

A new study looks into a sad ritual at sea

The skittish cat was spotted in Uganda's Kibale National Park.

Cool Finds

Rare Cat Caught on Camera…Attacking a Monkey

Africa’s most elusive wild cat makes a rare daytime appearance

New Research

Why We Can Thank Bats for Bedbugs

Scientists have proven through genetics that bats were the first hosts to the pesky parasite before passing them on to ancient humans

New Research

How You Shop Can Reveal Your Identity to Thieves

Women are more easily identified from their shopping patterns than men

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