Smart News Science

New Research

Dreams Escalate in Weirdness As the Night Wears On

Early in the night our dreams are grounded in reality, but by the end, anything goes

A totally realistic portrayal of what it's like to slip on a banana peel.

Cool Finds

The Physics of Slipping on a Banana Peel, And Other Weird, Ig Nobel Science

Banana peels may be the secret to better prosthetics

A genet riding a rhino.

Cool Finds

A Fuzzy Little Genet Is Hitching Rides on Rhinos and Buffalo, And No One Can Figure Out Why

Camera traps exposed the secret world of a rhino-riding genet

New Research

Even People With Locked-In Syndrome Respond to Hitchcock Movies

The brain of a patient in a vegetative state responded to a movie the same way as healthy people

Trending Today

The World Experienced Record-Breaking Weather This August

Last month was the warmest August on record since record-keeping began

New Research

Human Activities Aren't the Cause of Chimpanzees' Murderous Tendencies

A new study shows that humans are not responsible for murder amongst Chimpanzees

New Research

Artificial Sweeteners May Be Screwing Up How Your Body Handles Sugar

By affecting gut microbes, artificial sweeteners may be messing with your metabolism

Cool Finds

Russian Spy Satellite Breaks Apart Over Rockies

A streak of light seen in the skies earlier this month was likely a spy satellite breaking up

New Research

We Evolved Unique Human Faces So We Could Tell One Another Apart

Human face shape is more variable than other parts of the body

A carrion beetle fossil from the Cretaceous period.

New Research

Carrion Beetles Were the First Caring Parents

Flesh-eating beetles that lived 125 million years ago set the stage for modern parenting

A dead Chinese sturgeon found in the Yangtze in 2007

New Research

Chinese Sturgeon Is on the Brink of Extinction After 140 Million Years

Last year, the sturgeon didn’t reproduce at all in the wild

Cool Finds

At MIT, a Robot Cheetah Is Sprinting—And Leaping—Across Campus

MIT's robot cheetah may not be the only one in Boston—but it can leap

New Research

Mindlessly Vegging Out Is Good for You, But Only If You Don’t Guilt Yourself for It

Relaxing only works if you let yourself do it

Trending Today

Half As Many Small Children Died Last Year As Did in 1990

The global mortality rate for children under five is continuing to drop

Protests in August, 2014 against the Libyan parliament's decision to ask the UN to intervene in the country's current conflict.

Cool Finds

Libya’s Parliament Is Living on a Greek Ferry

Unrest in Libya has forced the government to take to the seas

New Research

Schizophrenia Might Actually Be Eight Different Disorders

The finding could help researchers devise more effective treatments that are tailored for individual patients

New Research

The Average Prisoner Only Gets Two Visits While They Are Incarcerated

Prisoners who receive the most visitors, however, tend to do the best after they are released

The "skylight" appears as a light pink splotch atop this leatherback sea turtle's head.

New Research

Leatherback Sea Turtles Can Measure Sunlight Through Their Skulls

The anatomical skylight allows the turtles to synch up with the seasons

The primary landing site of Rosetta's Philae lander on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is marked with a cross.

Trending Today

This Is Where Rosetta's Lander Will Touch Down

The Philae lander will touch down at "Site J" In November

New Research

New Study: Blame Defective Wells for Fracking Leaks

Fixing shoddy wells could mean making fracking safer for the environment

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