Smart News Science

New Research

Each Day, 50 Percent of America Eats a Sandwich

About 20 percent of our daily sodium intake is delivered between two slices of bread

New Research

How Exactly Does Exercise Help Your Brain?

Well-trained muscles could be protecting the body from an imbalance of chemicals that lead to depression

Cool Finds

Some Surgery Is No Better Than Sham “Placebo” Surgery

The placebo effect isn't just for pills

New Research

Cancer Spreads Through Our Bodies at Night

This could mean that therapies delivered after dark might be more effective

Scientists Figure Out Why Mozzarella Is the Perfect Pizza Cheese

It's all about the elasticity, moisture and oil content

New Research

Many of the Same Brain Regions Are Activated When Mothers Look at Their Pets or Their Children

It seems that maternal attachment does not discriminate between species

Trending Today

Your Cheat Sheet to the 2014 Nobel Prizes

Just enough to catch up

A herd of wild ass runs across the Tibetan plateau in Qinghai

Cool Finds

The Tibetan Plateau is Getting a High-Tech Array of Weather Sensors

The massive research effort will help predict the increasingly unpredictable Indian monsoons as the climate changes

A new gravity map shows the details of the sea floor

New Research

Satellite Observations Revealed Thousands of New Mountains Right Here on Earth

There are thousands of mountains dotting the sea floor

Don't do this.

Cool Finds

What Actually Happens to People Who Are Hit by Lightning?

A lifetime of chronic health issues

New Research

Could Climate Change Affect the Number of Boys and Girls Born?

Whether boy babies outnumber girl babies could be influenced by war, temperature and other stress factors

As many as 240,000 children were infected with HIV last year.

New Research

A Second Baby Thought Cured of HIV Relapsed When Taken Off Antiviral Drugs

Antiretroviral drugs can control, but not cure, HIV in children

Cheetahs taking it easy in the Kalahari desert, Botswana.

New Research

Cheetahs Spend 90 Percent of Their Days Sitting Around

When human presence forces cheetahs to expend more energy, however, it put the animals' survival at risk

Fortunately the lava cooled before we got there.

New Research

The Man in the Moon Was Made By Radioactivity, Not Meteors

Differential cooling caused by radioactive material in the crust caused one of the Moon's most distinctive features

Cool Finds

How the Humble Hydra Lives, As Far as We Know, Forever

Hydra don't seem to die of old age. But why?

The Aral Sea as of August 19, 2014. The black outline shows the lake's extent in 1960.

Trending Today

The Aral Sea Is Pretty Much Gone

The fourth largest lake in the world is less than a tenth of its former size

An endangered green sea turtle in Hawaii that has contracted fibropapillomatosis.

New Research

Pollution From Hawaii Is Giving Sea Turtles Gross, Deadly Tumors

Nitrogen runoff gets into the turtles' food and causes tumors on their faces, flippers and organs

New Research

Enough Ice Has Melted in Antarctica to Alter the Earth’s Gravity

The gravity loss is tiny but indicates big changes in ice coverage

Cool Finds

Apollo-Era Data Is Helping Scientists Look for Gravitational Waves

Seismometers that were placed on the moon during the Apollo program collected data that is being used by physicists today

Thousands of walruses gathered at a beach in Point Lay, Alaska.

Trending Today

35,000 Walruses Are Crowding Onto One Alaskan Beach

Some animals have already been killed on the beach, most likely by stampedes

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