Smart News Science

Methane bubbling up from underneath an Alaskan Lake

New Research

Gas, Probably Methane, Is Seeping From 570 Sites off the East Coast

A new study shows that we might find additional sources of methane in places we least expected it

New Research

Corals And Fish Can Tell a Bad Reef When They Smell It

New research indicates that young marine species can be picky about where they choose to settle

Cool Finds

Scientists Are Actually Talking About Building Giant Space Lasers to Control the Weather

This is what happens when you refuse to do things the easy way

Cool Finds

Elephant Poachers Also Targeting Vultures

Vultures are being targeted by elephant poachers in Africa

How do you want to behave today?

New Research

Give Someone a Virtual Avatar and They Adopt Stereotype Behavior

People behave differently depending on the appearance of their digital avatar

New Research

Tuberculosis Probably Hitched A Ride To America on Seals

A new study finds that TB is not only younger than we thought, but it also spread in weird ways

New Research

Geckos Can Control the Movement of Their Toe Hairs

Geckos take advantage of van der Waals forces to run across ceilings, but a simple shift allows them to drop to the ground

Working under LED lighting in a tomato greenhouse in the Netherlands

New Research

Scientists Are Hacking Tomatoes To Make Them Keep Growing All Night Long

Geneticists are working to circumvent the tomato's circadian rhythm

New Research

Why You Look Like Your Dog

It's all in the eyes

New Research

Computer Scientists Hack Michigan Traffic Lights To Show Glaring Security Flaws

Three major weaknesses make traffic lights used in almost all U.S. states prone to attacks

New Research

The 10,000 Hour Rule Is Not Real

The biggest meta-analysis of research to date indicates that practice does not make perfect

Cool Finds

Help NASA Out by Looking at Beautiful Pictures of Space

NASA wants your help identifying astronauts' photos of the earth

An image taken during field work in the Daan River gorge, Feb. 8, 2010. The large outcrop in the center of the photo disappeared in the space of an hour during a flood in 2012.

New Research

This Gorge Is Living Its Life on Fast-Forward

A quickly carved river gorge may disappear in just a few decades

Warm temperatures are contributing to, among other things, the drought in the western U.S.

Trending Today

ICYMI: July Was Really, Really Hot

This past July was the fourth hottest on record

Clouds of ash from the 2011 Grímvötn eruption in Iceland

Trending Today

One of Iceland’s Volcanoes Is Rumbling

It looks like another one of Iceland's volcanoes is ready to erupt

Cool Finds

Scientists’ Underwater Microphones Monitored By Militaries

NEPTUNE is used for hunting whale songs, but Canada and the US worry it could be used for other purposes

Randy Schademann (R), an on scene coordinator with the US Environmental Protection Agency, and contractor Erik Hadwin collect water samples from the Gulf of Mexico off the beach at Grand Isle, Louisiana, USA, 21 June 2010.

New Research

Can We Clean Up the Next Oil Spill With Magnets?

A new technique may help during the next oil spill

An artist's interpretation of what Hallucigenia sparsa looked like.

New Research

This Weird, 500 Million-Year-Old Spiky Worm With Legs Actually Has a Descendant

Modern-day velvet worms' jaws are repurposed former claws

Trending Today

Why Are People Afraid of Colgate Total Toothpaste?

Bloomberg reports that customers are abandoning Colgate's Total brand because it contains triclosan

New Research

Our Personalities Are Most Stable in Mid-Life

In some ways, our 80-year-old selves mirror our 20-year-old selves

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