Smart News Science

Fish swimming by the Great Barrier Reef

New Research

Outlook For Great Barrier Reef Not So Great

The five year state of the reef reports paints a gloomy picture for the natural wonder

New Research

Seagrass Meadows Are Disappearing at the Same Rate as Rainforests

These underwater habitats are important for several species of sea life

Maryam Mirzakhani, a mathematician at Stanford University, won the Fields Medal for breakthroughs in geometry and dynamical systems.

Trending Today

This Female Mathematician Just Became the First Woman to Ever Win the Fields Medal

The Fields Medal is mathematics' equivalent to the Nobel Prize

New Research

Crawfish Can Convert Blood Cells into Neurons

This neat invertebrate trick could help researchers eventually figure out how to do the same for human cells

Nurses in a Liberian hospital dressed in protective clothing to prevent the spread of Ebola

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WHO Says ZMapp Is Ethical; Too Bad There's None Left

Small supplies of the drug bring up a whole host of other ethical dilemmas

New Research

Here's What the Newly Sequenced Cat Genome Might Tell Us

In addition to teaching us more about kitties themselves, the cat genome could shed light on human disease

A group of baby pandas born in China last year

Cool Finds

Baby Panda Triplets Born In Chinese Zoo

At 15 days old, the panda cubs are still vulnerable, but are doing well so far

A Perseid streaks across the sky over the archaeological site Stobi in modern-day Macedonia

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The Perseids Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight

Watch the remains of comet Swift-Tuttle burn up in the atmosphere

A similar species of Irukandji jellyfish, but with the tentacles (and a fishy lunch inside).

Cool Finds

A New, Potentially Deadly Species of Jellyfish Was Discovered Floating Around Australia

The new species' sting can cause Irukandji syndrome, which sometimes leads to stroke and heart failure

New Research

Lack of Workplace Support Keeps Women Out of Engineering Careers

Aspiring female engineers say that they perceive little chance of advancing in their field

New Research

Are Hard Foods Healthier? In Your Mind, Maybe

New research shows that texture plays a large role in how we see the nutritional value of food

The LDSD being lifted into the air by balloon during a test on June 28, 2014

Cool Finds

Watch Video From NASA’s "Flying Saucer" Test

The LDSD test on June 28 went well, and more tests are expected to run next year

A European eel (not the world's oldest, however).

Cool Finds

RIP, World’s Oldest Eel

The eel, 155, passed away in a Swedish well late last week

U.S. Army combat medic Shawn Aiken lies down during his EKG appointment at the VA Medical Center in El Paso, Texas May 24, 2013. Aiken, who served 16 months in Iraq and 13 months in Afghanistan and has been active duty for nearly 10 years, has severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

New Research

Some Who Suffer from PTSD Never Get Better

As many as 11 percent of Vietnam veterans diagnosed with PTSD still suffer from the disorder

New Research

Losing Weight Makes People Healthy—But Not Necessarily Happy

The relationship between losing weight and being happy is not at all straightforward

New Research

One Aspirin a Day Helps Keep Cancer Away

According to the largest analysis conducted to date, daily doses of aspirin significantly reduces the risk of getting some common cancers

An image from NASA of algae blooms along the Gulf coast, seen here in teal. This image was taken by MODIS at an unspecified date.

Trending Today

The Gulf of Mexico's Dead Zone Is the Size of a Small State

The Gulf of Mexico's dead zone actually shrunk this year—but it's still the size of Connecticut

A close up of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko taken from just 80 miles up.

Trending Today

Rosetta Satellite Is the First to Ever Orbit a Comet

It's been a long trip, but Rosetta has finally reached its destination

New Research

This Mathematical Equation Predicts Momentary Happiness

Keeping your expectations low, it seems, is key to achieving fleeting satisfaction

Cool Finds

We Don’t Need a Huge Breakthrough to Make Renewable Energy Viable—It Already Is

The idea that renewable energy can't handle the load is a myth, says Amory Lovins

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