
Experiments show several natural herbs provide some protection from the sun.

Can Natural Herbs Protect Your Skin From the Sun?

A number of studies indicate that several herb extracts could protect against sunburn and other damage from UV light

Organic tools found at South Africa’s Border Cave include (a) wooden digging sticks, (b) poison applicator, (c) bone arrow point, (d) notched bones, (e) lump of beeswax mixed with resin and (f) beads made from marine shells and ostrich eggs.

The Origins of Modern Culture

A 44,000-year-old collection of wood and bone tools from South Africa may be the earliest example of modern culture, a new study suggests

Researchers discovered that simply smiling can reduce stress and increase well-being.

Simply Smiling Can Actually Reduce Stress

A new study indicates that the mere act of smiling can help us deal with stressful situations more easily

The hand holds on the Nova are a pretty far stretch from the usual polyurethane grips found at the indoor rock climbing gym.

New Tech May Have Athletes Climbing the Walls

How the Nova, the latest in artificial climbing wall design, goes from in-home gym to living room gallery

One goal at the 2010 World Cup reignited a debate that sparked the future introduction of goal line technology.

Gooooal! Two Technologies Compete to Sense Soccer Goals

A major botched call by referees during the World Cup has opened the door for computerized replacements

A fragment of the lower jaw of Megalosaurus, the first dinosaur to be scientifically named in 1824. Long before this, though, people puzzled about the nature of dinosaur bones.

A Brief History of Hidden Dinosaurs

Even though scientific interest in dinosaurs is relatively new, our species have been puzzling about the prehistoric creatures for centuries

There are pros and cons to running barefoot.

Is Barefoot Running Really Better?

The science is mixed on whether running shoes or bare feet are the way to go

The protests in Egypt fit right into the counterterrorism narrative.

The Message War

Counterterrorism strategy now includes everything from trolling on extremists' websites to studying how the brain responds to storytelling

Climate change could produce an ozone hole over the U.S. similar to the one observed over Antarctica, above, in 2006.

Climate Change Could Erode Ozone Layer Over U.S.

New findings indicate that effects of climate change could increase ozone depletion, UV exposure and skin cancer

A speculative restoration of the armored sauropod Agustinia

Armor for Sauropods

Will we ever find out what Augustinia looked like?

A newly developed compound temporarily restored sight in otherwise blind mice.

New Chemical Allows Blind Mice to See

A new synthetic replacement for rod and cone cells may someday bring vision to those with macular degeneration or inheritable forms of blindness

The reconstructed skeleton of a Deinonychus, a dromaeosaur, at Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History.

“Tiny Paleontologist” Loves Dinosaurs

An enthusiastic dinosaur fan takes his passion to the web

A slice of “vegitecture” in Barcelona

50 Shades of Green

Recent studies indicate that the brain's insular cortex may help a sprinter drive his body forward just a little more efficiently than his competitors.

A Single Brain Structure May Give Winners That Extra Physical Edge

An extraordinary insula helps elite athletes better anticipate their body's upcoming feelings, improving their physical reactions

This jaw from Kent’s Cavern is about 41,000 years old. That makes it the oldest modern human fossil in England and one of the oldest ever found in Europe.

The Top Five Human Evolution Discoveries from England

As many as four different species of hominids have lived in England, starting 800,000 years ago


NASA Successfully Tests Inflatable Heat Shield for Descending Spacecraft

A new type of heat shield, made of kevlar-woven fabric and an inflation system, survived a 288-mile descent to Earth

Foldable cars are in our future.

How We Travel: 10 Fresh Ideas

It may seem like getting around is the same old grind every day. But take heart. There's a lot of original thinking going on about how we go places

What Is the Nocebo Effect?

For some patients, the mere suggestion of side effects is enough to bring on negative symptoms


The Dinosaur Project Prepares for Launch

A forthcoming horror film imagines what would happen if a film crew really stumbled onto a dinosaur-filled lost world


Rethinking Modern Human Origins

Did modern humans appear in the world suddenly or was our species' origin a long, drawn out process?

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