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Researchers claim skull fragments and teeth discovered in a cave in Laos may be the oldest modern human fossils ever found in mainland Southeast Asia
After a long hiatus, the series Paleo returns in webcomic form
Caltech scientists have created an ultra-sensitive device that can weigh an individual molecule for the first time
More and more top American universities are offering courses online for free. Going to college will never be the same again
Stealth tanks, invisibility cloaks, mirages and other invisible innovations could be closer than you'd think
In 1938, awful dinosaurs roamed Birmingham, England
In response to stress, sharks can undergo dangerous changes in blood chemistry, so scientists are attempting to develop a solution
Paleontologists describe a new dinosaur that yields clues about how one of the most spectacular groups of theropods got their start
A severe drought, exacerbated by widespread logging, appears to have triggered the mysterious Mayan demise
Sensors in sports shoes get all the attention, but other devices can identify you by how you walk and help Alzheimer’s patients find their way home
At an Early Cretaceous site in China, paleontologists have discovered a rich trove of raptor tracks
Sometimes finding Neanderthals, australopithecines and other human ancestors is a complete accident
A new study indicates that musical instruction for just a few years during childhood can have long-lasting benefits
Paleontologists in Canada have just uncovered a rare, especially big Triceratops skeleton
The meticulous records of an amateur butterfly club in New England are opening a window into changes happening to the regional climate
Along with motion-sensing cameras and projectors creating augmented reality, they'll likely be among the tools training chefs of the future
New research is yielding oil dispersants that are non-toxic and prevent oil from sticking to birds and wildlife
Over 110 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed where a major NASA facility now sits
The Internet is full of great websites where you can play with hominid fossils
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