
A pair of Stegoceras on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Alberta, Canada.

How Domed Dinosaurs Grew Up

Dome-headed dinosaurs dramatically reshaped their skulls. How does this affect how we count dinosaur species?

Brain research is now part of the daily news.

Brain Science: 10 New Studies That Get Inside Your Head

This new research reveals how little we know about the brain and how it affects our daily lives


These Rainbow-colored Transparent Ants Are What They Eat

Droplets of food coloring and an exotic species of Indian ant made for a stunning set of photographs


Scientists Make Progress Towards a Male Contraceptive Pill

A new molecule originally developed to fight cancer looks to be a promising compound in the search for a male contraceptive

Soft tissue traces of the ankylosaur Tarchia. Black asterisks denote large osteoderms, scale impressions are pointed out by an arrowhead and small ossicles are identified by the arrow.

An In-Depth Look at Ankylosaur Armor

An exceptional ankylosaur preserves the position of ancient armor

The skulls and necks of Majungasaurus (top) and Carnotaurus (bottom) compared.

Carnotaurus Had a Hefty Neck

Could the hefty neck of Carnotaurus explain why this dinosaur had puny arms?

An artist’s vision of a Neanderthal and her baby. If the Neanderthal lived 47,000 to 65,000 years ago, her baby might have been the result of breeding with a human.

Neanderthal and Human Matings Get a Date

New research shows modern humans bred with Neanderthals 47,000 to 65,000 years ago as our ancestors left Africa

A new technology harnesses the energy in wastewater to produce electricity.

Could Sewage Be Our Fuel of the Future?

A new way of treating wastewater uses bacteria to produce electricity, potentially solving a pair of environmental problems


The 5 Coolest Planets Orbiting Distant Stars

Of the hundreds of exoplanets discovered by scientists, we list of some of the most interesting

Banjo’s reconstructed hand, with the thumb claw on top

Banjo Gets a Hand

Recently-discovered fossils fill out the arms of one of Australia's formidable predatory dinosaurs

Augmented reality puts flesh on dinosaur bones.

Augmented Reality Livens up Museums

We still have to wait a bit for Google Goggles, but augmented reality is moving mainstream, even bringing museum dinosaurs to life

Some chemicals in antibacterial soap have been banned by the FDA after testing showed they did not provide any benefit over normal soap and water.

Triclosan, a Chemical Formerly Used in Antibacterial Soaps, Was Found to Impair Muscle Function

In a study, the chemical inhibited muscle activity in individual human heart cells, mice and minnows


Tooth Chemistry Confirms Early Homo Loved Meat

Two million years ago hominids evolved more specialized diets with early Homo preferring meat and Paranthropus choosing plants


Scientists Create Worm-like Robot That Can Inch Along the Ground

The Meshworm uses artificial muscles and peristalsis to creep quietly along the ground


Dinosaurs Better Off Lost

Even in film, searching for Africa's mythical dinosaurs is a mistake


Smartphone as Doctor

Some think that little computer you carry around with you is about to bring a sea change in the doctor-patient relationship. Is data power?

The Mars24 App’s listing of times of various locations on Mars, including the Curiosity and Opportunity Rovers.

How Do You Tell Time on Mars? There’s an App for That

NASA has produced an app that helps scientists and amateurs alike keep track of time on the Red Planet


New Wrinkle in Tarbosaurus Kerfuffle

The man who prepared an illicit tyrannosaur specimen claims that the dinosaur is rightly his

The 1972 Homo rudolfensis skull is combined in this composite image with one of the lower jaws found at Koobi Fora, Kenya.

Multiple Species of Early Homo Lived in Africa

New fossils unearthed in Kenya confirm that at least two species of Homo co-existed in Africa two million years ago

A new study reveals that the African grey parrot is capable of abstract reasoning.

African Grey Parrots Have the Reasoning Skills of 3-Year-Olds

A new experiment showed that the birds are capable of abstract logical reasoning, a trait previously shown only by primates

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