

Herd on the Street

In Anchorage, Alaska, you never know when a moose will show up on your doorstep

Trumpeter Swan, John James Audubon, 1838.

John James Audubon: America's Rare Bird

The foreign-born frontiersman became one of the 19th century's greatest wildlife artists and a hero of the ecology movement

Luna in Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound

Whale of a Tale

When Luna, a people-loving orca, chose Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound for his home, he set in motion a drama of leviathan proportions

Researchers study identical twins—who develop from a single egg that splits after fertilization and therefore have the same genes—to learn how genes influence traits of predispose people to disease.

Twin Science

Researchers make an annual pilgrimage to Twinsburg, Ohio, to study inherited traits

Close Encounters

Northwest of Seattle, an overly friendly orca polarizes a community

Fighting For Foxes

A disastrous chain of events nearly wiped out California's diminutive island fox. Scientists hope it's not too late to undo the damage


Magnificent Magnifications

Microscope jockeys from around the world enter their masterpieces in an annual art show

California Condor at San Diego Zoo

Becoming a Full-Fledged Condor

The California condor learns from people, other condors and the school of hard knocks


Wielding cutting-edge science and lots of patience. James Hill Craddock hopes to restore the ravaged American chestnut tree to its former glory

Deep Science

From the Chesapeake Bay to Panama, scores of Smithsonian divers probe underwater mysteries

A Matter of Taste

Are you a superstar? Just stick out your tongue and say "yuck"


Fault Lines

Weighing threats on land and from the sea


Will Tuvalu Disappear Beneath the Sea?

Global warming threatens to swamp a small island nation


Yellowstone Grumbles

Pent-up water and steam threaten to burst through the park's surface. (And we're not talking Old Faithful here)

Stars are being born within the smoldering Swan Nebula 5,500 light-years away.

Hubble's Last Hurrah

The orbiting space telescope has captured star births and deaths, galactic collisions and the accelerating expansion of the universe


Splendid Isolation

When the first astronauts to walk on the Moon returned from their July 1969 lunar expedition, they were confined to quarters


Saving the Raja's Horse

British horsewoman Francesca Kelly brings India's fiery Marwari to the United States in hopes of reviving the breed


Can Great Coffee Save the Jungle?

Persuaded that guilt alone won't get Americans to pay more for environmentally friendly coffee, importers give farmers the tools to grow better beans

A Bumpy Road to Mars

The president envisions a future human mission to Mars, but medical researchers say surviving the journey is no spacewalk


Pizza Park

Sure, the new Kids' Farm at the National Zoo will be educational, but a giant rubber pizza and a "caring corral" will make it also a place for fun

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