

Ringtails Like To Be Appreciated

Although they are by nature loners, these clever "cats" don't mind a little human companionship

Tanks filled with water await possible use as a fire burns on the crest of a hill in Lebec, California, 2010

Battling the Orange Monster

Even with air power and satellite tracking, it still takes people with axes and shovels to stop a forest fire

Polyface Farm

Down on This Farm the Times They Are A-changin'


Nightjars Are Everywhere, But Just Try Finding One

Catching a glimpse of these night-loving birds, which include the whip-poor-will, challenges even the most avid bird-watcher


Vostok: Looking for Life Beneath an Antarctic Glacier

In what may be the world's largest lake ever seen by a human eye, the search begins


Whole Worlds to Order


The "Indomitable" MRI

Raymond Damadian's medical imaging machine set off a revolution but not without controversy


Shop for This Label: "No Assembly Required"

MIT's campus

Charting the Terrain of Touch

At MIT's Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics, researchers are probing the inner workings of our hands


Supermodels with Six Legs


Horning In?

Bighorn sheep have made a big comeback in recent years, but some developers out West think they're intruders


Squaring the Circle Is No Piece of Pi

Mathematicians have sliced, and now supercomputers have crunched, but the mystery of pi goes on and on and...

Mariana fruit bat Pteropus mariannus

Batty About Flying Foxes

Long considered black devils with wings, these bats today are stealing hearts – and mangoes – across Australia

The Ant planetary nebula. Ejecting gas from the dying central star shows symmetrical patterns unlike the chaotic patterns of ordinary explosions.

A Celestial News Bureau

Three Smithsonian astronomers run a worldwide news service about what is happening overhead

Birds, Bees and Even Nectar-feeding Bats Do It

Across our fields, orchards and backyard gardens, the pollinators we rely on for the food we eat are facing threats on many fronts

Bone Specialist On Call

A Smithsonian anthropologist applies his expertise to cases of missing children and disaster victims

This SeaWiFS view reveals the colourful interplay of currents on the sea's surface

Evidence for a Flood

Sediment layers suggest that 7,500 years ago Mediterranean water roared into the Black Sea


Wanted, Dead or Alive

When scientists go scavenging at a bioblitz, anything they can find that's organic is considered fair game


The Biggest One That Didn't Get Away

A real fish tale hangs on a monster marlin caught nearly a half-century ago

A Second Wind

An unlikely alliance of Midwesterners says it is time to take another look at generating electricity through wind power

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