Smart News

A newspaper report of Leoti Blaker, who stabbed a man with a hatpin when he would not leave her alone.

Cool Finds

American Women in the 1900s Called Street Harassers 'Mashers' and Stabbed Them With Hatpins

These are the turn-of-the-century women who fought back when men tried to grab them

Trending Today

An Oregon Brewery Is the First Ever to Go “Salmon-Safe”

Hopsworks Urban Brewery is the first in the United States to be certified Salmon-Safe

Cool Finds

For $1,600 You Can Own a Genetically Altered Micropig

From lab animal to potential pet

New Research

What Fingerprints Can Reveal About Ancestry

Clues as to whether people have European or African lineage may show up in the fine details of their fingers

Helen Keller in a photograph taken to promote her efforts to give radios to poor blind children.

Cool Finds

How Helen Keller Experienced Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony

"I could actually distinguish the cornets, the roll of the drums, deep-toned violas and violins singing in exquisite unison"

Cool Finds

The Nazis Wanted to Beat the British With Exploding Chocolate Bars

Sweet, but scary

New Research

The Secret to Better Biofuels May Lie in Panda Poop

Microbes in the panda’s guts might help make biofuels cheaper

New Research

Researchers Devise Way to Determine Color from Fossils

Researchers now know how to tell what color an ancient animal was from its fossils

Cool Finds

Scientists Just Found a Sea Turtle That Glows

The turtle is the first biofluorescent reptile ever found in the wild

Cool Finds

Americans Used to Eat Four Meals a Day

Rest in peace, “second supper”

Cool Finds

Yet Another Highly-Venomous Snake Discovered in Australia

The Kimberley death adder is one of the most venomous snakes in the world

New Research

Climate Change Is Turning 500-Year Floods Into 24-Year Ones

Rising sea levels and an increase in large storms will continue to threaten the Atlantic coast

Trending Today

In Honor of Banned Books Week, Here Are the Most Challenged Books of 2014

The American Library Association reported 311 formal, written challenges to books

What a cute little schemer

New Research

Babies Time Their Adorable Smiles to Manipulate Adults

By timing their grins, babies can get adults to grin

A domed building serves as the village center and is visible from everywhere in Matavenero, Spain

Cool Finds

Spain Has Turned a Ghost Town Into an Off-Grid Eco-Village

A photographer documents the remote, self-sufficient lifestyle

The Mason jar can even be used to serve oatmeal -- though other containers might be better suited for this particular stunt.

Cool Finds

How Mason Jars Went from Thrifty to Hip

One jar that can be used to store pickles, serve cocktails and, with some craftiness, light up a room (just not all at the same time)

Trending Today

How Italian Police Finally Busted Thieves for Nabbing $875,000 in Cheese

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world

Cool Finds

This Man Tracked his Sneezes for Five Years and Fixed his Pollen Allergy

What a little bit of data about health can do

New Research

King Crabs Are About to Take Over Antarctica

As oceans warm, Antarctica braces for an invasion of shell-cracking crabs

New Research

A Popular Coral for Home Aquariums Can Release Deadly Toxin

The coral produces a toxic mist that can cause serious health problems

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