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Mold Is Threatening Boston Public Library’s Rare Books

As spores are found in the stacks, it's time to battle a fuzzy foe

A spectacled fruit bat hangs out in search of its next meal. Many bats eat nectar with grooved tongues that are posing quite a mystery for scientists.

New Research

This Bat's Tongue Works Like a Conveyor Belt

The unique tongues are raising new questions for scientists

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Pope Francis is Dropping a Prog Rock-Inspired Album

Rock the Pope

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NASA Unveils Giant Ice Cube With Wheels for Exploring Alien Oceans

An underwater rover might one day explore otherworldly seas

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Artisanal Pizza is Boosting the Coal Industry

Pizzerias are a new and growing market for coal companies

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Volunteers are Struggling to Maintain New Orleans’ Iconic Tombs

Many cemetery vaults are crumbling due to weather, vandalism and disrepair

A map of antineutrinos leaving Earth, where blue is less activity and red more

New Research

Here is a Map of Earth’s Antineutrinos

Antineutrinos are the antimatter siblings of the elusive particles called neutrinos and show up where radioactive materials decay

A statue of goddess Durga in Kolkata — India was the location of the first recorded nose job

Cool Finds

The Nose Job Dates Back to the 6th Century B.C.

But for a long time, the nose was built up instead of shaved down

An illustration of Titanosaurs nesting — the large group the museum-bound specimen belongs to

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The Biggest Dinosaur to Walk the Earth Will Soon Be in a Museum

The as-yet-unnamed sauropod was about 130 feet long and will barely fit in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City

New Research

Early Australians May Have Lived With Giant Lizards

Researchers discover early Australians shared the continent with enormous lizards

New Research

Scientists Discover 9,000-Year-Old Case of Decapitation in the Americas

Off with their head and hands

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The “Happy Birthday” Song is Officially in the Public Domain

Sing without fear of being sued

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Supreme Court Justices Have a Thing for Shakespeare

The brief's the thing

New Research

50-Year-Old Moon Data Reveals Unseen Earthquakes

Scientists have identified four different types of moonquakes in data left over from Apollo 17

Mexican free-tailed bats leaving Bracken Cave in Texas

Cool Finds

Saving Bats Could Reduce Pesticide Use

People already install bat houses to attract the insect-eating mammals, but one researcher is working to quantify exactly how much they may help

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People Can Now Have Their Tattoos Framed After They Die

A new service turns skin art into a gift that keeps on giving

Cool Finds

Netflix Has Figured Out The Exact Moment Viewers Get Addicted to a Show

It doesn’t take many episodes

New Research

Humans Have a Unique Death Smell

Figuring out the chemical signature of death could help train dogs that aid law enforcement

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PETA Wants a Selfie-Snapping Monkey to be Granted Copyright to its Photo

PETA Wants a Selfie-Snapping Monkey to be Granted Copyright to its Photo

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How Doughnut-Loving Cops Became a Stereotype

A sugar-sweet symbol for beat cops around the country

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