Smart News

Stonehenge after the 2008 restoration

Cool Finds

A Man Once Bought Stonehenge for his Wife, and She Was not Pleased

Or at least, so the story goes of a British barrister’s decision to purchase the neolithic site for the equivalent of about $1 million

New Research

Earth’s Gravity Is Reshaping the Moon

Leaving cracks on the surface as it slowly contracts

Cool Finds

A Letter About Darwin’s Belief in God Just Sold for Nearly $200,000

Just 41 words long, it provides a missing link for historians who have long wondered what the naturalist thought about religion

New Research

People Can’t Tell Which of Their Toes Is Being Touched

The piggy that stayed home and the piggy that got roast beef get mixed up the most

Trending Today

Pope Francis: The World "Still Has Time" to Act on Climate Change

The pontiff spoke strongly about environmental action in an address to President Obama and the American people

New Research

American Kids Are Obsessed With Apples

Apples make up 29 percent of the total fruit eaten by teens and kids in the United States

New Research

Americans Dump Twice as Much Trash as Previously Thought

The Environmental Protection Agency’s 2012 estimate was more than 50 percent off

New Research

The More You Have to Pee, The Easier Lying May Be

Full bladders make for better fibs

Trending Today

Edward Snowden Thinks Alien Transmissions Might Be Hidden by Encryption

To chat with aliens, scientists might have to crack codes

Trending Today

Crimean Officials Are Suing Putin for Drinking a 240-Year-Old Bottle of Wine

Putin and Berlusconi opened up a world of trouble along with a vintage bottle of booze

Trending Today

People are Leaving Secret Letters to Fellow Fans in Harry Potter Books

#PotterItForward was designd to warm the hearts of future readers

New Research

This is the First Detailed Public Map of the U.S. Internet Infrastructure

The location of major cables was once a secret, but now researchers hope knowledge of it will spark conversations on how to keep the system safe

Brooke Shields filming a shampoo commercial

Cool Finds

How to Pose Like a 1980s Model

A collection of clips from real videos proves to be silly — and not just due to the fashion of the 1980s

Samuel L. Clemens in 1909

Cool Finds

Mark Twain Was not a fan of the Mona Lisa

"The complexion was bad; in fact it was not even human," he wrote of Da Vinci’s mysterious smiling lady

New Zealand North Island Robin

New Research

How to Give a Robin an IQ Test

Testing whether individual animals are smarter than others of their species is tricky

Trending Today

A Brief History of Awareness Ribbons

Emmy Awards attendees sported green ribbons this year. But can ribbons really affect climate change?

Cool Finds

This Tower Scrubs the Air of Smog

The project is intended to draw attention to the problem of air pollution

Cool Finds

The Ig Nobel Prize Turns 25

Celebrating a quarter-century of the goofiest work in science

New Research

Giraffes Spend Their Nights Quietly, Constantly Humming

Not so silent after all

Cool Finds

How to Build a Seven-Mile-Wide Scale Model of the Solar System

It takes three-and-a-half miles to get from the Sun to Pluto

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