Smart News Science

Cool Finds

We're Terrible at Distinguishing Real And Fake Schools of Fish

You can test your fish school savviness in a free online game created by scientists

Cool Finds

Newsflash: Technology Cannot Guarantee a Baby

The unregulated egg freezing industry is profitable for those involved, but prone to failure for those looking to get pregnant

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by Rosetta last month

Cool Finds

Rosetta’s Comet Smells Really, Really Bad

If you could breathe in space, you wouldn't want to breathe this air

New Research

40 Percent of Adult Internet Users Have Been Harassed Online

Harassment runs rampant online

Beni Meier's record-holding 2323.7 pound pumpkin.


How to Grow a Giant Pumpkin


New Research

Invaders From Cuba Force Florida Lizards to Quickly Evolve (Or Get Out)

In just 15 years, green anoles changed their behavior and evolved bigger, stickier toes to escape alien competitors

Cool Finds

Build a Cloud Chamber for Cheap And See Particles From Outer Space

A simple device lets you see cosmic rays' effects with your own eyes

A male great bustard struttin' his stuff.

New Research

Male Great Bustards Eat Poison to Look Sexier for the Ladies

The toxic compound can kill mammals - including humans - but helps the birds rid themselves of pests

Cool Finds

From Lightning on Jupiter to Apollo 13's Call for Help, Hear Some of NASA's Greatest Recordings

An audio archive captures some iconic moments of space history

An artist's impression shows exocomets orbiting the star Beta Pictoris

New Research

A Swarm of Comets Around an Alien Star Hints at Our Solar System's Youth

The comets fall in two groups — one older and one younger — and have to contend with the orbit of a gas giant

New Research

Lose Ice in Alaska, See Temperatures Spike By 7°C

This puts the goal of keeping temperature rises below 2°C to shame

Deforestation in Brazil

New Research

The Amazon Rainforest Disappeared Way More Quickly This Year

Widespread deforestation is even worse than you think

Cool Finds

Sea Coral Makes Excellent Human Bone Grafts

Coral’s porous structure, with some chemical tweaks, is the perfect place for new bone and tissue to grow

New Research

Like Ants, Small Backpackers Are Adept at Carrying Proportionally Heavier Loads

The weight a person or animal can carry does not increase uniformly with size

Nope nope nope.

New Research

You Don’t Even Want to Know About All the Stuff Living on Your Eyeball

Even eyes can't escape the microbiome

Skaftafell National Park

New Research

This Glacier in Iceland Is Fighting to Stay Alive

The Falljökull glacier has cut off its lower reaches but the upper portion is advancing once again

New Research

Plants Can Sense When Insects Are Eating Them

Plants can sense munching vibrations that insects make, and respond accordingly with heightened defenses

Cool Finds

To Find Out How Healthy Whales Are, Send in the Drones

A custom-built drone got close enough to whales to capture individuals' distinctive markings

This man's spine wasn't cut by a knife, but rather is degenerating from arthritis.

New Research

Nose Cells Transplanted to a Paralyzed Man’s Spine Let Him Walk Once Again

Specialized cells from the nose can promote the regeneration of nerve cells

New Research

Prozac Doesn't Make Birds Happy

Birds on Prozac lose their appetite and libido

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