Smart News Science

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The White House Just Asked Scientists to Stop Trying to Make Diseases More Deadly

New funding is being suspended, and anyone who's already been paid to do such work is being asked to stop.

Garmai Sumo with the Liberian red cross supervises a burial team as they pull out the body of 40-year-old Mary Nyanforh, in Monrovia, Liberia, on October 14, 2014.

Trending Today

Even West Africans Who Don't Catch Ebola Are Being Hurt By the Disease

Ebola's toll is more than just a body count

An artist's impression of an antiarch mating scene.

New Research

A Very Ancient Group of Jawed Fish Were Having Surprisingly Intimate Intercourse

Many fish later ditched this clumsy method in favor of external fertilization


New Research

The Milky Way is Stealing Other Galaxies’ Gases

Little dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way are missing their hydrogen

New Research

Your Microbes Get Jet Lagged, Too

When bacteria's circadian rhythm is disrupted, they become worse at their jobs

Cool Finds

This Weekend, Astronomers Get Their Best Ever Look at an Oort Cloud Object

Looking at the Oort cloud is like looking back in time—a superpower hampered by the fact that the Oort cloud is very, very, very, very far away

Cool Finds

There's a Scientific Reason Why Self-Harm Makes Some People Feel Better

The same part of the brain that handles physical distress also deals with emotions

New Research

Wind Power is Actually Cheaper Than Coal, Nuclear and Gas

Once you consider the downstream consequences, coal becomes a lot more expensive

New Research

This Google Glass Owner Only Took His Device Off to Sleep And Shower

And when he checked into rehab, he couldn't stop touching his right temple

New Research

Zooplankton and Krill "Pee" Helps Determine Ocean Chemistry

Tiny marine life's expelled ammonia fuels important chemical reactions

Liberian nurses carry a dead body suspected of dying from the Ebola virus at the Roberts field highway on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia, 25 September 2014.

Trending Today

Now We're Crowdfunding Ebola Research?

One leading Ebola researcher is turning to the crowd for more funding

New Research

Giant Icebergs Used to Ram Up Against Florida

21,000 years ago, icebergs carved up the ocean floor off the Miami coast

Cool Finds

The Science of Why Toothpaste Makes Food Taste Funny

Blame toothpaste's foaming action

X-ray technology was invented in 1985 by Wilhelm Röntgen. This early image, along with others set to be on the block, were taken just a year later.

Cool Finds

Amazing Artifacts From the History of Science Are Going Up for Auction

Now if only we all had infinite money

An artist's conception depicts WASP-43b's orbit around its star.

New Research

Exoplanet Has Winds That Blow at the Speed of Sound

WASP-43b wouldn't be a great place to live

Satellite image of New Zealand

Cool Finds

Here's One Very Good Reason to Drill Deep Into an Active Fault

Scienctists hope to install instruments at the fault to observe changes in the earth at depth

Cool Finds

Why Is Antarctic Sea Ice at a 35-Year High?

Nobody really knows, but they have some thoughts

New Research

Bionic Hands Partially Restore Users' Sense of Touch

The hand's sensors communicate directly with the wearer's nerves

Cool Finds

Google Maps an Oasis in the Desert From the Back of a Camel

The desert is not the best place for a Street View car

Trending Today

For the First Time Ever, a Woman With a Transplanted Uterus Gave Birth to a Baby

Two more women with transplanted uteruses are due to give birth in the next couple of weeks, too

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