

Here Be Dragons


That's Edutainment: The Problems with CGI-Based Documentaries

Laura Helmuth

Laura Helmuth on "Seeing is Believing"


What Big Teeth You Have: Was the Heterodontosaurus an Herbivore or a Carnivore or an Omnivore?


Standing Tall

Niger's giraffes and our 16th president

Some biologist suggest that the emergence of the long neck on a giraffe was driven more by sexual success: males with longer necks won more battles, mated more often and passed on the advantage to future generations.

Things Are Looking Up for Niger’s Wild Giraffes

Wild giraffes are making a comeback despite having to compete for resources with some of the world's poorest people

A fallow deer with its impressive but unevenly formed antler looks straight into the light of the setting sun.

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Bats' barotrauma, fallow deer, Tahitian vanilla, lucky dinosaurs

A fallow deer with its impressive but unevenly formed antler looks straight into the light of the setting sun.

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Bats' barotrauma, fallow deer, Tahitian vanilla, lucky dinosaurs


Dino Blog Carnival: Edition #1


Dinosaurs of a Feather, Flock Together


Scariest. Pumpkin. Ever.


Show Us Your Costume

Mammuthus primigenius calf nicknamed Mascha

How Much for a Mummy Dinosaur?


The Dinosaur in Winter

Disclaimer: enormous cranium notwithstanding, that’s not me in the picture

Evolving a Better Bank Balance

Tyrannosaurus rex

How Dinosaur Poop Got Its Name

The term “coprolite” has its roots in the Greek language, derived from kopros, which means dung, and lithos, which means stone


Missives from the Annual SVP Meeting (Society of Veterbrate Paleontology)


What Dinosaurs Walked Here?



Author of Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You, Sam Gosling.

How to Be a Snoop

The way you arrange your home or office may reveal surprising results

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