
Great white shark with its mouth open.

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Great white sharks, endangered frogs and more

The Cassowary bird at Lahore Zoo.

Invasion of the Cassowaries

Passions run high in an Australian town: Should the endangered birds be feared—or fed?

For some people in the region (Chapel of All Saints, San Luis, Colorado), the DNA results have been a revelation.

Cracking the Code of the Human Genome

The 'Secret Jews' of San Luis Valley

In Colorado, the gene linked to a virulent form of breast cancer found mainly in Jewish women is discovered in Hispanic Catholics

Scrapped fishing boats in Fort Bragg (salvagers Bruce Abernathy and his son David) testify to the sharp decline of chinook salmon.

On California's Coast, Farewell to the King Salmon

For the first time there's no fishing for chinook salmon on the California coast. The search is on for why the prize catch is so scarce.


How Breast Cancer Genes Work

Though we may talk of cancer as one disease, skin cancer has little in common with pancreatic cancer and breast cancer is something else entirely

Still life: Fall chum

For Salmon Fishermen, It’s Fall Chum to the Rescue

For the Yup'ik people of Alaska, fall chum is the answer to a troubled fishing season and a link to the outside world

The toothache tree of North America, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis

Chinese Spices Hijack Your Taste Buds


Mistakenidentosaurus Becoming a Thing of the Past


News Flash: You May Be Boring Your Dog

The crocodile, last of the crurotarsans

Dinosaur vs. Crocodile: Who Wins?

The Large Magellanic Cloud, NASA

Loud and Clear Department: Intergalactic Telegrams

Condors can soar 150 miles in a day on their giant wings. The birds often fly for hours at a time with hardly a flap of their wings

Condors in a Coal Mine

California's lead bullet ban protects condors and other wildlife, but its biggest beneficiaries may be humans


Science to Religion: Can't We All Just Get Along?

Peacock flounder (Bothus lunatus) near Coki Beach, St. Thomas, USVI

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

The waters around the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (yellow and blueback fusiliers) hold some of the world's most pristine coral reefs

Our Imperiled Oceans: Victory at Sea

The world's largest protected area, established this year in the remote Pacific, points the way to restoring marine ecosystems

1957: A half century ago, tourists in Key West routinely caught goliath grouper (the big fish with the big mouths) and large sharks (on the dock).

Our Imperiled Oceans: Seeing Is Believing

Photographs and other historical records testify to the former abundance of the sea


The Bugs Who Flew Too Much

This invasion would have driven even Alfred Hitchcock psycho

Hawaii-based journalist Christopher Pala has traveled the world covering various topics and is also the author of, The Oddest Place on Earth: Rediscovering the North Pole

Christopher Pala on "Victory at Sea"

An Aztec figurine holds a cacao pod

Globalization: Good for Local Cuisines?


The Universe Has Its Secrets; We've Got Science Rap

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