
Micro-Fossils Reveal Dinosaur Colors and Ancient Sea Life

The aptly-named town of Coldfoot

Arctic Dispatch: A Toolik Farewell

After leaving Toolik, the team finds points of interest on the road back to Fairbanks


Arctic Dispatch: Looking at the Lakes

Alaska’s Arctic lakes are a source of methane experiments for a warming planet

Grand Canyons of Ice

The always-popular sauna in Toolik

Arctic Dispatch: The Toolik Way of Life

Gourmet fare, live music and 24-hour Arctic summer sun make life in Toolik hard to beat


Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 1

Michelle Coffey moves from biology class to the Bighorn Basin and prepares for her first dinosaur dig

Belemnite fossils found during the first day in the field

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 3 and 4

The paleontology team is finally in place. After setting up camp, the dig begins. Fossils are found and dinosaur tracks investigated

On the march back from the Death March site, everyone carries bags of sediment

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 6, 7 and 8

The team survives the Death March dig and makes an essential stop in Thermopolis

The search yields bones believed to be from a sauropod, a suborder of dinosaurs

Dinosaur Dispatch: Days 9, 10 and 11

A new site and more digging yields a dinosaur discovery

A view of the outcrop

Dinosaur Dispatch: Day 14

The paleontology team bids a fond farewell to Wyoming’s Big Basin

Toolik Field Station is located north of the Arctic Circle.

Arctic Dispatch: Reaching Toolik

Journalist Christine Dell’Amore travels to Alaska’s Toolik Field to observe the environmental changes occurring in the Arctic Circle

The team hikes to the research sites above Toolik Lake.

Arctic Dispatch: Playing With Permafrost

The first field tests in the tundra look at the effects of nitrogen levels on permafrost

A view from the Jade Mountain summit

Arctic Dispatch: The Hike Up Jade Mountain

After a day of experiments and ongoing mosquito battles, Christine Dell’Amore enjoys the view from the top

The team collects invertebrates from a heavily silted stream.

Arctic Dispatch: Exploring the Aufeis

Dell'Amore and her fellow researchers climb the aufeis and meet interesting insects

Marine Biological Laboratory research assistant Rich McHorney gets a sample core from the permafrost.

Arctic Dispatch: Thermokarst and Toolik

The team studies consequences of the Arctic’s warming temperatures

On the drive from Toolik, a view of the ocean and sun in the early morning hours

Arctic Dispatch: A Polar Bear Plunge

A trip to the oil-rich Prudhoe Bay region ends in an Arctic swim

Keep Kangaroos at Bay the Dingo Way

University of Cincinnati-led researchers found sunflower seeds in Tabasco, Mexico.

Wild Things

Mouse lemur calls, a coral comeback, sunflower seeds and more

The ATHLETE, one of NASA’s prototype vehicles recently tested at Moses Lake, Washington, is a six-legged robot, an all-terrain vehicle that sports wheels at the end of each limb that allow the robot to navigate as a rover.

Debating Manned Moon Missions

Experts provide opposing viewpoints on manned missions to space


Space Fashion

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