
How exactly was the Great Pyramid built? Inside-out, thinks architect Jean-Pierre Houdin.

Monumental Shift

Tackling an ages-old puzzle, a French architect offers a new theory on how the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid at Giza

The native westslope cutthroat trout (named for the slash of red on its throat) is staging a comeback after decades of losing ground to its immigrant cousins in the Rocky Mountains.

Native Trout Are Returning to America's Rivers

Native trout are returning to America's rivers and streams, thanks to new thinking by scientists and conservationists

Two days after the killings, villagers poured in to help rangers carry bodies back to Bukima and then on to Rumangabo for burial. Here, volunteers are taking the pregnant and badly burned Mburanumwe out of the forest.

State of Emergency

The slaughter of four endangered mountain gorillas in war-ravaged Congo sparks conservationist action

Munna male

700 Species Discovered in Antarctica

Gray wolves were occupying territories throughout Idaho last year, but the overall population fell.

(Re)Call of the Wild


World's Strongest Paper

Cloning cell-line colonies using cloning rings

Dept. of Sarcasm: Cloning the Important Stuff



This picture shows a crested gecko, Rhacodactylus ciliatus, climbing up the vertical side of a terrarium

Gecko Feet Key to New Glue


Today's Great Science Quote

Colorful Birds Killed First by Nuclear Discharges


Sushi Substitute


Shame, Shame Oman


Global Warming Forecast

The Red Planet

It'll Still Be Called "The Red Planet"


From the Castle

Life on the Web

Scouting the area near Naimona'nyi (the peak above), Thompson and co-workers identified nearly 60 glaciers, many of them pitted by water-filled holes, a sure sign of melting.

Chronicling the Ice

Long before global warming became a cause célà¨bre, Lonnie Thompson was extracting climate secrets from ancient glaciers

Since early 2004, the Mars rovers have gathered images of rocks and terrain where water, the presumed prerequisite of life, once flowed (an artist's rendition).

Life Beyond Earth

An ocean on Mars. An Earth-like planet light years away. The evidence is mounting, but are astronomers ready to say we're not alone?

The chimp with the most human-like gait and body type walked upright more efficiently than he knuckle-walked—a finding that study co-author Herman Pontzer calls a snapshot of how this evolution may have taken place. (This composite photograph pays homage to the iconic Evolution of Man.)

Walk This Way

Humans' two-legged gait evolved to save energy, new research says


Life Unplugged

Bundle up your power cords—wireless energy transfer is here

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