
Marine archaeologists rescued the shipwrecked H.L. Hunley (above, a computer rendering) in August 2000 more than 135 years after it sank during the Civil War.

Saving Our Shipwrecks

New technologies are aiding the search for one Civil War submarine, and the conservation of another

In a recent study, malaria-resistant mosquitoes —tipped off by their neon green eyes—faired better than typical wild insects after feeding on infected blood.

Can Mosquitoes Fight Malaria?

Scientists can build a mosquito that resists infection, but getting the insects to pass along the gene is a harder task



Can invisible technology make Harry Potter disappear?


Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickled Products


When Animals Invade: Rats in Florida, Mussels in Michigan


Mixing It Up with Wild Cousins

Siberian Tiger

China Pushes for Tiger Meat on the Menu


The Chopping Block


Super Supernova

Arctic Ice Melting Faster Than Computers Thought


Ten Greenest Buildings in America


Munch, Munch, Mount?

Clouded leopard

Clouded comeback?

Smithsonian zoologists are attempting to breed the rare clouded leopard


Organization Man

Carl Linnaeus, born 300 years ago, brought order to nature's blooming, buzzing confusion

One clue that the Buena Vista site was aligned with the seasons comes from a menacing statue (Ojeda is in the background) that faces the winter solstice sunset.

The New World's Oldest Calendar

Research at a 4,200-year-old temple in Peru yields clues to an ancient people who may have clocked the heavens

A view of the Thirteen Towers of Chankillo, in Peru.

Return of the Sun Cult

In Peru, scientists discover the oldest solar observatory in the Americas


Interview: Daniel Gilbert

What will make you happy? A social scientist explains why it's so hard to predict


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Squid light shows, monkey hugs and chickadee alarms

The cover of Superman (vol. 1) #296 (February 1976). Art by Bob Oksner

Don't Try To Be A Hero


Paleo Carbon Sequestration

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