

Getting in Deep

The unending quest for oil has now led drillers to vast reserves lying more than a mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico


Risky Business

The Australian pact with the world's largest crocodiles seems to be working—but critics say that the costs are fatally high


The Way of Confucius

In a remote corner of eastern China, travelers tread the path of the ancient sage

During the six-month fire season, the McGrews' hardworking goats can be found lunching in various locations across California.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires

Communities worried about the ravages of wildfires are embracing a four-legged solution

Breathing Fire


Head's Up

From a computer-generated model, sculptors cast a bronze triceratops that Looks like the real thing


Harmonious Cord


Stars in Their Eyes

The exquisite telescopes crafted by Alvan Clark and his sons helped make the last half of the 19th century a golden age of astronomy


Monkey Wrench

An American couple's ingenious research challenges the popular notion that baboons and other monkeys are almost human

Hawaiian monk seal

A Glimmer of Hope in The Sunset

Wayne Sentman on the extremely endangered Hawaiian monk seal


Where the Gooney Birds are

More than 400,000 albatross pairs nest on Midway Atoll, which is now the site of an extraordinary National Wildlife Refuge


They Drink the Wind

Famed for their "floating-on-air" gaits, Arabian horses run in 100-mile races and ask for more

Camping at the Zoo

Popular "snore and roar" sleepovers give visitors an up close nighttime adventure with animals


The Little Foxes

Their habitat is disappearing fast, but San Joaquin kit foxes are finding ways to survive


Suiting Up for the Honey Wars


Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

Once we didn't know how aspirin works; now we know that it does a lot more than ease pain and inflammation


Living Off the Land

Robots that feed themselves could become self-propelled farm machines—or military snipers


Message in a Bottle

By studying objects cast up on our shores, researcher Curtis Ebbesmeyer traces the flow of ocean currents


Following the Track of the Cat

The Bushmen of Namibia are so good at reading the language of footprints they can tell what a leopard did the day before they started pursuing it


Smithsonian Science

Extending a Recording Discoveries and Innovation

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