
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

A Rare Bird


Accents Are Forever

By their first birthday, babies are getting locked into the sounds of the language they hear spoken


It's Camelot in the Desert

For Dromedary Trekkers in Australia's Outback, it's Camelot in the Desert

Gene therapy

Betting on Designer Genes

Scientists dream of giving people new genes that will stop a disease or fix a problem. It is harder than anyone thought

"When Bandogs Howle and Spirits Walk"

Studying the nighttime hours across the centuries, says historian Roger Ekirch, sheds light on preindustrial society

Grand Gallery of Evolution in the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France

Feeling Crabby?

The vaults of the Natural History Museum in Paris contain a menagerie of curious crustaceans


Log-o-phil-ia Is Addictive

WARNING: Words fill Anu Garg's dreams, and waking hours too. He shares his favorites on the Web with thousands


Newton's Vice

Some say alchemy inspired our greatest scientist

Chandra X-ray space observatory of the NASA

A Stellar Imagemaker

Smithsonian and NASA's Chandra x-ray observatory sheds new light on the mysteries of the universe


The Rarest of the Rare

Scientists at the Smithsonian's Conservation and Research Center have snatched endangered creatures from the brink and redefined conservation biology


The Return of the Phage

As deadly bacteria increasingly resist antibiotics, researchers try to improve a World War I era weapon


The Cat That Walks by Itself

In Mexico's Maya jungle, the survival of the jaguar hangs on radio collars, hounds and former hunters


Kudzu: Love It — or Run

Aggressive weed that "grows like the devil" and will not die is manna for sheep, cows and folks who use it to cure hangovers, weave baskets and make jelly


You Are What You Buy

According to advertising guru James Twitchell, every symbol, from Alka-Seltzer's Speedy to the Energizer Bunny, plants powerful notions of who we are


Malaria Kills One Child Every 30 Seconds

A new pandemic imperils half the world. Scientists think they know what has to be done, but the disease continues to outsmart them


So Tiny, So Sweet...So Mean

If hummingbirds were as big as ravens, it probably wouldn't be safe to go for a walk in the woods


Reading the Bones


Foreign Worm Alert

Aliens are tunneling through North America. Who'd have thought these earth tillers have a downside?


Turning a New Leaf

Every six months Smithsonian horticulturists give the Haupt Garden a makeover from the roots up


Something's Fishy about this Robot

When it comes to speed and maneuverability, fish leave man-made submersibles floundering, but RoboTuna and friends may change all that

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